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Writer: Melissa RenéeMelissa Renée

Updated: May 20, 2024

Dear Empaths,

We have one job to do and that's to allow others to be seen through our ability to feel their emotions. Now where we can see people through our lenses of emotions, it’s not for the purpose to pacify their feelings or justify. We're merely a specter of understanding, you know, understanding that this person is feeling defensive right now. However, it's not our assignment to justify why they're defensive but maybe to bring light for them to understand “why” they're feeling defensive.

I take for granted that it comes more naturally to me than others to access the root of my many emotions. When I get upset, sad or happy I tend to examine the root cause. For instance, I became really overwhelmed and saddened after I  reprimanded my oldest son today. One could say I'm tired of the roller-coaster ride my son is putting on my husband and I but I knew it was rooted from a deeper place. Where? Where was it rooted?

It's rooted in facing the fact that I'm not going to be the one who saves him, and my anxiety heightens that he's entering adulthood. His life lessons may very well be the thing that saves him and I have absolutely no clue how that's going to look. Prison? Death? A life altering experience? 

It's easy for us to justify our emotions to the surface and obvious reasons, but it's healing to know the truth. Maybe our part is revealing that truth. And we miss the assignment when we try to pacify that truth because we're trying to protect them from the pain that they're feeling. This Is where we have to set our boundaries. It's imperative for us and it's important for them.

When we take on the role of justifying what they're feeling we burden ourselves with their emotions. It stays with us and now we're carrying the weight and that wasn't the assignment. Our assignment is to see them and recognize their emotion and shine light on what their really feeling. See, we know that anger comes from abandonment but you're disguising the anger as passionate about said event, cause or subject. 

We drain ourselves and become sick when we take on that anger and try justifying it because we don't want to hurt them. We know better so we have to do better. They don't necessarily know better so it's up to us to put them in the know.

Our boundary is to allow them to carry their own emotional baggage and weight regardless of how much they don't want to face the truth. We don't shy away from seeing who they are or hold back from seeing who they are because it's a form of healing. We use are gifts of empathy to have a level of compassion and love to help them navigate through the harsh truths. When we refrain from doing this, we miss the assignment and stop our purpose.


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